
Permanent exhibition

The exhibition offers a comprehensive insight into the Swiss financial market, and provides fascinating links between economic history and the modern innovations of the financial sector.

Key historical pieces from one of the world's biggest and most important collections of securities allow visitors to trace the development of our modern financial economy all the way back to the 16th century. Find out about the first modern stock corporation, revolutionary business ideas, and how huge corporations have emerged from the 16th century to the present day.
How does a share dealer work? When was the first Swiss ATM commissioned? What happens in an IPO? Have fun discovering the answers to these questions through interactive video sequences, historical film recordings, interviews and touch-screen animations.

Special Exhibition: "Banks in transition: from counters to apps"

Until the 12 July 2024: Over the past 20 years, the face of Swiss banks has changed significantly. Where once the personal contact in the branch office used to be a priority, banking has now arrived on the smartphone. Which leads to several questions: How do we pay, save and invest -  today and in the future? Which institutions do we trust? The exhibition shows the origins of the Swiss banking system up until the Swiss financial center takes shape, and contrasts them with the current, digital trends in banking: from counters to apps. A selection of original historical securities will be used to showcase the types of Swiss banks, as well as global tech companies that are steadily driving digitization in the financial sector. 

A look inside


Holding your event at the Finance Museum

You can hire the Swiss Finance Museum for your reception, evening events or other occasions. The museum offers space for about 100 people. We are happy to discuss this with you.

Private guided tours can be booked during or outside opening times, and can be followed up with a reception if you wish. We are happy to discuss this with you. Register for a private tour plus reception at least two weeks prior to your desired date.

  • Questions and booking inquiries

    We would be pleased to advise you individually about your event in the Swiss Finance Museum.

    • +41 58 399 3288
    Book your event


Press images

We are happy to provide press images and texts relating to current exhibitions and events as downloads. The information is aimed at people working in the media, and reserved for professional use only.

  • Media Relations
    • +41 58 399 2227
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