Payments in the past and today

Payments in the past and today

Every day you deal with money, but you never think about it. Where does it actually come from, what functions does it have, and why are there different forms of payment? Mobile payment solutions and debit and credit cards are on the rise, and cash is losing importance. Where is the journey heading? In this podcast episode, we take a look at payments - past and present. Our guest is Boris Brunner. He is Head Key Relations at SIX, lecturer and speaker on the topic of payment traffic. For many years, he was head of product management for payment traffic at UBS and was jointly responsible for the introduction of QR billing at SIX.

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In German

The Swiss Finance Museum podcast series highlights episodic economic topics. Listen to our podcast on SpotifyApple  oder Google.

Current exhibition: "Banks in transition: from counters to apps"

Parts of the history of payment can also be found in the current exhibition - for example, payment slips, e-banking or today's payment behavior.